Watch movies
Watching the movie version of your favorite book isn’t just aguilty pleasure, it’s also a vocabulary booster.
“If you see the movie version of your favorite book you’re likely tohave a deeper understanding and knowledge of the words in it,” “Seeing and reading something on the same topic is really important.” Thephenomenon is called dual coding; you read something, then see it on the screenand end up remembering better because you have a visual representation。
Make good use of your tablet
Next time you’re reading an e-book and come across a word youdon’t know, try highlighting it with your finger and looking for the option tolook it up.
Many tablets provide a dictionary definition in a littlebubble, so you wont lose your place or have to switch between Google and yournovel.
Read magazines
Don’t just flip through your favorite magazine, really readit. That means don’t just look at the pictures or skim product roundups; payattention to the articles and photo captions.
According to the Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation,magazines on topics you’re interested in like sports, interior decorating, orhealth are filled with words you probably don’t think to use in your dailyconversations.
When you read the next issue, keep an eye out for the wordsyou learned the month before; chances are, you’ll remember what they mean thistime.
Listen to how words sound
Many people won’t remember tricky words unless they comeacross them frequently.
But if you hear a word that you think sounds interesting, youbecome word conscious and start using it yourself
Get out of the house
“Going places and having new experiences are great ways to build newknowledge. Go to a museum or take advantage of other opportunities where youlive. When you open your eyes to new experiences and people, you also get newwords,” says Neuman.